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en:valverde_de_alcala [2012/01/23 11:48]
vicus [Cultural Resources]
en:valverde_de_alcala [2018/01/17 02:16] (current)
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 ====== VALVERDE DE ALCALÁ ====== ====== VALVERDE DE ALCALÁ ======
-|  {{:valverde:bandera_b_valverde_de_alcala.png?nolink&175|}}  |  {{:valverde:escudo_de_valverde_de_alcala_svg.jpg?nolink&50|}}  |  {{:olmeda:ub_olmeda_de_las_fuentes_espana.png?nolink&265|}}  |  {{:valverde:ub_valvelde_de_alcala_cam.png?nolink&140|}}  |[[,4473693,475125,4474793&mun=28166|{{ :wiki:logo_m.png?112 }}]]|+|  {{:valverde:bandera_b_valverde_de_alcala.png?nolink&175|}}  |  {{:valverde:escudo_de_valverde_de_alcala_svg.jpg?nolink&50|}}  |  {{:olmeda:ub_olmeda_de_las_fuentes_espana.png?nolink&265|}}  |  {{:valverde:ub_valvelde_de_alcala_cam.png?nolink&140|}}  |[[,4473693,475125,4474793&mun=28166|{{ :wiki:logo_m.png?96 }}]]|
 |  Flag  |  Shield  |  Geographical Location  ||  View in Map  | |  Flag  |  Shield  |  Geographical Location  ||  View in Map  |
 \\ \\
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 ==== Neighboring Municipalities ==== ==== Neighboring Municipalities ====
-Nouth: Villalbilla\\+North: Villalbilla\\
 West: Torres de La Alameda\\  West: Torres de La Alameda\\ 
 East: Corpa\\ East: Corpa\\
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 \\ \\
 ===== Hostelry ====== ===== Hostelry ======
-**Bar La Solana**: Plaza Mayor, 2 Phone: 91 885 98 00+**La Solana Bar **: Major Square, 2 Phone: 91 885 98 00
 \\ \\
 ===== Municipal Services ====== ===== Municipal Services ======
-**City Council of Valverde de Alcalá**: Plaza Mayor, 1 Phone: 91 885 93 51\\ +**City Council of Valverde de Alcalá**: Major Square, 1 Phone: 91 885 93 51\\ 
-**Municipal Office**: Callejón Plaza Mayor, 2 - Phone: 91 885 04 84\\ +**Municipal Office**: Alley Major Square, 2 - Phone: 91 885 04 84\\ 
-**Center for Public Internet Access (C.A.P.I.)**: C/ Ramón y Cajal, 2  - Phone: 91 885 02 73\\ +**Center for Public Internet Access (C.A.P.I.)**: Ramón y Cajal Street, 2  - Phone: 91 885 02 73\\ 
-**Hogar del jubilado “Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles”**: C/  San Roque, 1\\ +**Senior Citizen Home “Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles”**: San Roque Street, 1\\ 
-**CRA “Amigos de la Paz”**: C/ San Roque, 1 - Phone: 91 885 96 39\\ +**CRA “Friends of Peace”**: San Roque Street, 1 - Phone: 91 885 96 39\\ 
-**Municipal Reading Center**:  C/ Cervantes, 1+**Municipal Reading Center**:  Cervantes Street, 1
 \\ \\
 ===== Resources Catalog ===== ===== Resources Catalog =====
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 ==== Cultural Resources ==== ==== Cultural Resources ====
 ^ Name    ^ Classification ^ Description ^ Other Observations ^ ^ Name    ^ Classification ^ Description ^ Other Observations ^
-|  [[,4474459,474890,4474559&mun=28166&wm=2|Church of Santo Tomás Apóstol]]  |  RTPP religious: Properties.  |  C/ Iglesia, S/N - C/ Iglesia, 1 - Valverde de Alcalá  |  +|  [[,4474459,474890,4474559&mun=28166&wm=2|Church of Santo Tomás Apóstol]]  |  RTPP religious: Properties.  |  Church Street, S/N - Church Street, 1 - Valverde de Alcalá  |  
-|  [[,43,4473725,99,474139,43,4473825,99&mun=28166&wm=2|  House work of the Dominicans  ]]  |  RTPP Religious: Properties  |  It is located on rural land.  |  +|  [[,43,4473725,99,474139,43,4473825,99&mun=28166&wm=2|  House work of the Dominicans  ]]  |  RTPP Religious: Properties  |  It is located on rural land.  |  
-|  [[,73,4471396,6,475777,73,4471496,6&mun=28166&wm=2|Well of Comunal]]  |  RTPP Civil: Properties  |  It is located on rural land  | +|  [[,73,4471396,6,475777,73,4471496,6&mun=28166&wm=2|Well of Comunal]]  |  RTPP Civil: Properties  |  It is located on rural land  | 
-|  [[,4474356,474807,4474456&mun=28166&wm=2|  Plaza de Toros]]  |   RTPP Cultural: Properties  |  Plaza de la Rambla s/n, next to the roundabout at the entrance to the village, next to the road  | +|  [[,4474356,474807,4474456&mun=28166&wm=2|  Square Bullfighting]]  |   RTPP Cultural: Properties  |  Dry Riverbed Square s/n, next to the roundabout at the entrance to the village, next to the road  | 
 |  {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_25_-_plaza_de_toros.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:valverde_santo_tomas_apostol.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:vista_nevada.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:valverde_panoramica_verde.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  | |  {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_25_-_plaza_de_toros.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:valverde_santo_tomas_apostol.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:vista_nevada.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:valverde_panoramica_verde.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |
-|  Plaza de Toros  |  Santo Tomás Apostol  |  View Snow  |  Panoramic  |+|  Square Bullfighting  |  Santo Tomás Apostol  |  View Snow  |  Panoramic  |
 \\ \\
 ==== Other Services ==== ==== Other Services ====
 ^ Name    ^ Classification ^ Description ^ Other Observations ^ ^ Name    ^ Classification ^ Description ^ Other Observations ^
-|  [[,4474533,474858,4474633&mun=28166&wm=5|City Council of Valverde de Alcalá]]  |  Public Center  |  Plaza Mayor, 1  |  Phone: 918 859 351 · Fax: 918 859 071  | +|  [[,4474533,474858,4474633&mun=28166&wm=5|City Council of Valverde de Alcalá]]  |  Public Center  |  Major Square, 1  |  Phone: 918 859 351 · Fax: 918 859 071  | 
 |  Mariano Gascueña S.L  |  Service Station  |  Road VILLAR DEL OLMO, S/N - 28514 -  Nuevo Baztán  Phone: 918 735 051  | ‎   |  Mariano Gascueña S.L  |  Service Station  |  Road VILLAR DEL OLMO, S/N - 28514 -  Nuevo Baztán  Phone: 918 735 051  | ‎  
-|  Center for Primary Care Services  |  Primary Care  |  Attention of social worker in Valverde de Alcala Monday and Thursday from 11:30h. to 14:30h.  |  Plaza Mayor 1 - Phone: 918 859 351 (City Council) or Phone: 918 868 259 (Commonwealth).  | +|  Center for Primary Care Services  |  Primary Care  |  Attention of social worker in Valverde de Alcala Monday and Thursday from 11:30 am. to 14:30 pm.  |  Major Square 1 - Phone: 918 859 351 (City Council) or Phone: 918 868 259 (Commonwealth).  | 
-|  Home of Retired  |  Day Centres for the Elderly  |  Public school, a cafeteria service and cultural activities, entertainment and training.  |  C/ San Roque 3 - Phone: 918 859 351. From Monday to Sunday from 17:00h. to 21:00h.  |  +|  Home of Retired  |  Day Centres for the Elderly  |  Public school, a cafeteria service and cultural activities, entertainment and training.  |  San Roque Street 3 - Phone: 918 859 351. From Monday to Sunday from 17:00 pm. to 21:00 pm.  |  
-|  Children's Playroom  |  Sociocultural Services  |  Public playroom for children 3 to 12 years. Places: 20.  |  C/ San Roque 1 -  Phone: 918 859 351.  Open Saturdays from 12:00h. to 14:00h. Free.  | +|  Children's Playroom  |  Sociocultural Services  |  Public playroom for children 3 to 12 years. Places: 20.  |  San Roque Street 1 -  Phone: 918 859 351.  Open Saturdays from 12:00 am. to 14:00 pm. Free.  | 
-|  Reading Municipal Center “Rodríguez de Hita”  |  Cultural centers and Libraries  | Center City Administration. It offers computer courses, leisure activities and classroom duties. Headquarters of CAPI. Requirements: library card and CAPI card. |  C/ Ramón y Cajal 2, Phone: 918 846 767. From 17:00h. to 20:00h., Tuesday and Thursday.  | +|  Reading Municipal Center “Rodríguez de Hita”  |  Cultural centers and Libraries  | Center City Administration. It offers computer courses, leisure activities and classroom duties. Headquarters of CAPI. Requirements: library card and CAPI card. |  Ramón y Cajal street 2, Phone: 918 846 767. From 17:00 pm. to 20:00 pm., Tuesday and Thursday.  | 
-|  Center for Adult Education  |  Educational services and training  | Official Center Ministry of Education of the CAM dedicated to teaching basic computer and language courses. Technical courses - Professional Mentor Program is the only service is not free. |  C/ Amapolas 6, Phone: 918 858 178 cepa.torresdelaalameda@educa.madrid.org www.educa.madrid.org/web/cepa.torresdelaalameda  | +|  Center for Adult Education  |  Educational services and training  | Official Center Ministry of Education of the CAM dedicated to teaching basic computer and language courses. Technical courses - Professional Mentor Program is the only service is not free. |  Poppies Street 6, Phone: 918 858 178 cepa.torresdelaalameda@educa.madrid.org www.educa.madrid.org/web/cepa.torresdelaalameda  | 
-|  C.R.A. Amigos de la Paz  |  Regulated Learning Center  |  Center public kindergarten and primary school. Ages: 3 to 12 years. Nº of places: 40|  C/ San Roque 1, Phone: 918 859 639 craamigosdelapaz.anchuelo@educa.madrid.org / www.educa.madrid.org - cra.amigosdelapaz.anchuelo  |+|  C.R.A. Friends of Peace  |  Regulated Learning Center  |  Center public kindergarten and primary school. Ages: 3 to 12 years. Nº of places: 40|  San Roque street 1, Phone: 918 859 639 craamigosdelapaz.anchuelo@educa.madrid.org / www.educa.madrid.org - cra.amigosdelapaz.anchuelo  |
 |  {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_-_fachada_convento_de_la_virgen_de_los_angeles.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_-_pozo_de_la_comunal_-_panora_mica_2.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |   {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_16_-_plaza_mayor.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |   {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_19_.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  | |  {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_-_fachada_convento_de_la_virgen_de_los_angeles.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_-_pozo_de_la_comunal_-_panora_mica_2.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |   {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_16_-_plaza_mayor.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |   {{:valverde:valverde_de_alcala_19_.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |
-|  Facade C.V. de Los Ángeles  |  Well ofComunal  |  Plaza Mayor  |  Valverde de Alcalá  |+|  Facade C.V. de Los Ángeles  |  Well ofComunal  |  Major Square  |  Valverde de Alcalá  |
 \\ \\
 ==== Transport and Communications ==== ==== Transport and Communications ====
 ^ Name    ^ Classification ^ Description ^ Other Observations ^ ^ Name    ^ Classification ^ Description ^ Other Observations ^
-|  Line 232  |  Bus  | Alcalá de Henares-Torres de La Alameda| Monday to Friday: from 05:50h. to 22:50h.| +|  Line 232  |  Bus  | Alcalá de Henares-Torres de La Alameda| Monday to Friday: from 05:50 pm. to 22:50 pm.| 
-| ::: | ::: | ::: | Saturday working: 09:15h., 10:00h., 13:30h., 16:45h., 19:00h., 21:45h., 23:15h. | +| ::: | ::: | ::: | Saturday working: 09:15 am., 10:00 am., 13:30 pm., 16:45 pm., 19:00 pm., 21:45 pm., 23:15 pm. | 
-| ::: | ::: | ::: | Sunday an public holidays: 09:15h., 11:45h., 13:30h., 16:45h., 19:00h., 21:45h., 23:15h. | +| ::: | ::: | ::: | Sunday an public holidays: 09:15 am., 11:45 am., 13:30 pm., 16:45 pm., 19:00 pm., 21:45 pm., 23:15 pm. | 
-| ::: | ::: | Torres de La Alameda-Alcalá de Henares | Monday to Friday: from 06:15h. to 23:15h.| +| ::: | ::: | Torres de La Alameda-Alcalá de Henares | Monday to Friday: from 06:15 am. to 23:15 pm.| 
-| ::: | ::: | ::: | Saturday Working: 10:15h., 12:30h., 14:15h., 17:30h., 20:00h., 22:30h. | +| ::: | ::: | ::: | Saturday Working: 10:15 am., 12:30 am., 14:15 pm., 17:30 pm., 20:00 pm., 22:30 pm. | 
-| ::: | ::: | ::: | Sunday and Saturday: 10:15h., 12:30h., 14:15h., 17:30h., 20:00h., 22:30h. |+| ::: | ::: | ::: | Sunday and Saturday: 10:15 am., 12:30 pm., 14:15 pm., 17:30 pm., 20:00 pm., 22:30 pm. |
 | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Phone: 918 891 605  | | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Phone: 918 891 605  |
-|  Line 260  |  Bus  | Alcalá de Henares - Ambite - Orusco | Monday to Friday working: 15:25h. | +|  Line 260  |  Bus  | Alcalá de Henares - Ambite - Orusco | Monday to Friday working: 15:25 pm. | 
-| ::: | ::: | Orusco - Ambite - Alcalá de Henares | Monday to Friday working: 06:35h. |+| ::: | ::: | Orusco - Ambite - Alcalá de Henares | Monday to Friday working: 06:35 am. |
 | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Phone: 918 712 511  | | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Phone: 918 712 511  |
 |   Point of Informaticon [[http://www.ctm-madrid.es]]  |||| |   Point of Informaticon [[http://www.ctm-madrid.es]]  ||||
-|  CAPI  |  CAPI  |  Integrated in the Reading Room “Rodríguez de Hita”. Number of places: 8  |  C/ Ramón y Cajal 2 - Phone: 918 846 767. From 16:00h. to 20:00h., Monday to Saturday.  |+|  CAPI  |  CAPI  |  Integrated in the Reading Room “Rodríguez de Hita”. Number of places: 8  |  Ramón y Cajal street 2 - Phone: 918 846 767. From 16:00 pm. to 20:00pm., Monday to Saturday.  |
 |  Intermunicipal Transport Lines  ||  [[http://www.ctm-madrid.es/servlet/RedTransServlet?xh_TIPO=32&xh_ACCION=0&xh_TIPO_SEL=T&CODPANTALLA=12&xh_CLAVE=166000%23Valverde+de+Alcala&x=54&y=13]]  || |  Intermunicipal Transport Lines  ||  [[http://www.ctm-madrid.es/servlet/RedTransServlet?xh_TIPO=32&xh_ACCION=0&xh_TIPO_SEL=T&CODPANTALLA=12&xh_CLAVE=166000%23Valverde+de+Alcala&x=54&y=13]]  ||
 |  {{:valverde:caballo.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:entre_valverde_santorcaz.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  |  {{:valverde:caballo.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  |  {{:valverde:entre_valverde_santorcaz.jpg?direct&200x200|}}  | 
-|  At Horse  |  Entre Valverde Santorcaz  | +|  At Horse  |  Between Valverde and Santorcaz  | 
 \\ \\
 ===== Links of Interest ===== ===== Links of Interest =====
-  * **MAPS**: [[,4473693,475125,4474793&mun=28166|Resource Map of the municipality]].+  * **MAPS**: [[,4473693,475125,4474793&mun=28166|Resource Map of the municipality]].
   * **ROUTES**: [[http://es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/home.do|Routes and waypoints GPS of the World]].   * **ROUTES**: [[http://es.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/home.do|Routes and waypoints GPS of the World]].
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