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Nestled in the plain formed by the valley of streams and Anchuelo Pantueña is located east of Madrid, in the popular area of the Henares corridor.
Location of the municipality
Located in an area of Campinas east of the Community of Madrid, known as the Alcarria of Madrid. The municipality is located in the floodplain, the confluence of the rivers and Anchuelo Pantueña.
It belongs to the Arganda court, district of the countryside of the Henares, Madrid province.
Neighboring Municipalities
North: Alcalá de Henares and Villalbilla
Northeast: Villalbilla
West: San Fernando de Henares and Loeches
East: Valverde de Alcalá
South: Loeches
Southeast: Pozuelo del Rey
Geographic Data
Surface: 43,8 Km²
Altitude: 654 m
Latitude: 40°25’ 0’ ’’N
Length: 3°22’0’’ O
It has been long believed that the three towers which, together with a sheaf of wheat, up the shield of Torres de la Alameda, refer to the name the Arabs gave to the area to see their high fortifications. However, the archaeological remains that are preserved in the same municipality show that the origin of Torres de la Alameda we must go back to the period of Romanization.
As in much of the region, in Torres vestiges of the passage of the Arabs. Specifically, the Mudejar style. But the Arabs also left Torres, given the terrain, predominantly clay, several hybrid bricks, which became one of the traditional industries of the town and still retains. Four centuries of Arab rule lasted this land, enough that Alfonso VI ordered the reconquest, giving the bishop of Toledo, Alcalá rights, which Torres was a part, as one of the “twenty-five villages” But Torres, like the nearby towns fell back into the hands of the Arabs and was conquered by King Alfonso VIII. Finally, Princess Juana of Portugal, daughter of Emperor Charles I, granted the title of 'Villa''and with it the final independence of Alcalá.
Among the wide landscape of grain fields and olive groves the villa des taca Torres de la Alameda, dazzles us with his Castilian landscape, houses, streets, and people.
From any point that we always look captures the image of the tower of his church, Our Lady of the Assumption, one of the cultural assets most beautiful countryside of Henares.
Spanish Plateresco XVI style has fascinated travelers and visitors over time. Its uniqueness is the main arched cloister.
Although there were several chapels Torres, today only two remain. The most relevant is the Ermita de la Soledad, built in Plateresque almost simultaneously with the Church of the Assumption, a beautiful Renaissance complex which stands on the remaining buildings heralding the name of this unique town “Torres de la Alameda”. Two circumstances make it unique: Lipid in the wake or fuchsin Domitia, the second century, probably recovered in the ancient Roman Complutum and incorporated into the lower right base of the main facade, and the Shroud, one of the best extant copies of Turin, and unparalleled jewel of the Countryside Henares.
Festivals and Traditions
Three Kings: January 5.
Festival of San Anton: January 17 is celebrated the feast of the patron saint of animals. Formerly, the pig field during the year by the people and was powered by the neighbors, until the day came, it came to his drawing. Now, after the celebration of Mass, we proceed to the blessing of the animals in the Plaza del Sol and delivered to those most unique prizes.
Tortillas Days: two weeks before the celebration of Carnival, the two judges reserve earlier to celebrate this tradition, which takes place the first Thursday Tortillas Day of the boys, and the following Thursday it's up to the girls.
Carnival: held parades, dances, masks and traditional Burial of the Sardine.
Book Week: to celebrate Book Day on April 23.
Meeting for Equality: to celebrate Women's Day March 8.
San Juan Night: traditional bonfire on the occasion of the celebration of San Juan on the night of June 23.
Water Festival: is held the second weekend of July, to mark the arrival of water from the Canal de Isabel II to the municipality.
Cultural Week: in September to mark the celebration of the festivity.
Festivities in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary: are held the first weekend in October.
Sun Hotel: Ancha Street, 66 Telephone.: 91 886 81 80/91 886 83 32
The Wall (Pension): Madrid Street, 5 - Telephone.: 91 886 83 70
Los Arcos Restaurants : Road M-226 Km 3 Telephone: 91 883 81 18
Los Torreones Restaurants: Atenas Street, 1 - Telephone: 91 886 82 02
Wall Restaurants: Madrid Street, 5 Telephone: 91 886 83 01
Mesoncito de Torres: del Pintor Sorolla Street, 9 - Telephone: 91 886 82 62
Bar Ropero: Angustias Street, 9 - Telephone: 91 883 82 46
Municipal Services
Torres de la Alameda Town Hall: Sun Square, 16 - Telphone: 91 886 82 50
Municipal library: Mayor street, 12 - Telephone: 91 885 85 88
Young Corner: Mayor Street, 29 - Telephone: 91 885 85 94
Children's Home: Morales Square, 6 - Telephone: 91 885 84 89
CEPA (Adult School): Amapola street, 6 - Telephone: 91 885 81 78
Public School Our Lady of the Rosary:
- Early Childhood Education: Sur Street, S/N - Telephone: 91 886 83 17
- Primary Education: Paraísos street, S/N -Telephone: 91 885 84 94
I.E.S Senda Galiana: Palmeras Street S/N - Telephone: 91 885 88 20
Health Center: The Ball Game Square, S/N - Telephone: 91 886 83 58 Appointment: - Telephone:91 885 81 29
Center for Public Internet Access (C.A.P.I.): Fairground Ride Wells, S/N - Telephone: 91 886 88 52
Business Center: Atenas street, 1 (Industrial Park) Telephone: 91 886 82 50
REMADE (Special Employment Center): Sun Square, 16 Telephone:91 885 84 68
Municipal School of Music and Dance: Mayor street, 29 - Telephone: 91 886 86 41
Montealto Senior Center: Viento street, 17 - Telephone: 91 886 82 86
Juzgado de Paz: Plaza del Sol, 16 - Telf.: 91 886 82 50
Sports Centre: Palmeras Street, S/N — Telephone: 91 886 85 59
Local police: sun Square, 16 - Telephone: 91 886 82 50/655 91 43 39
Servicios Sociales: Higher Street, 42 Telephone:91 886 82 59
Municipal funeral: Wide Strret (next to the cemetery) Telephone:690 668 884
Post: Mayor street,30 - Telephone: 91 885 84 98
Nursing Home Our Lady of the Rosary: Telephone: 91 886 50 61
Resource Catalog
Natural Resources
Name | Classification | Description | Other Observations |
LIC ES 3110001 “Basin rivers Jarama and Henares” | Sites of Community Importance (LIC). | The course of the Henares river and its banks (100 meters market margin side) and the associated clay cliffs, runs by the municipalities of our region. Of interest to taxa and habitats associated with rivers. | Birds rupícolas as Falco peregrinus, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, Oenanthe leucura shelters and several bats and aquatic habitats as gallery forest formations of Salix alba and Populus alba and Molinion-Holoschoenion meadows. |
Galiana Laundry | Livestock Via | ||
Alcala Torres and New Baztán Laundry | Livestock Via |
Cultural Resources
Name | Classification | Description | Other Observations |
Church of the Assumption | RTPP Religious Culture: Immovables | BIC century XVI. Spanish Plateresque | |
La Soledad Hermitage | RTPP Religious Culture: Immovables | S.XVI-XVII. Plateresque | On one wall is an old Roman tombstone. |
Reliquary Collection | RTPP Religious Culture: No Immovables | A collection of relics “Lignum Crucis,” a sliver of wood on which Jesus was crucified. | |
Shroud | RTPP Culturales Religiosos: No Immovables | One of the best copies of the Shroud of Turin. Sanctified in 1620 | It is guarded by a family who can see only at Easter. |
Bullfighting square | Bullfighting square | Antonio Machado street | |
Lice Source | RTPP Cultural and Civil: Immovables | ||
The source Mozas | RTPP Cultural and Civil: Immovables | ||
Fuentecilla | RTPP Cultural and Civil: Immovables | ||
Tombstone | RTPP Cultural and Civil: Immovables | It is part of the wall of the Chapel of La Soledad. Part of an old Roman colony | |
Archaeological Sites | RTPP Cultural and Civil: Immovables | Currently under study by a local archaeologist leading the findings to the Regional Museum of Alcala de Henares. | |
Rosario Virgin | Patron Festivities | Primer fin de semana de octubre | Festival taurino, encierros, concurso de recortes, comidas populares, bailes, actuaciones musicales, actos religiosos. |
Festival of San Anton | Patron Festivities | January 17 | |
Meeting for Equality | Patron Festivities | Women's Week, March. | |
Book Week | Patron Festivities | April 23 | Traditional zocolibro, book exchange, workshops for children. |
Senior Week | Patron Festivities | June | |
San Juan Night | Patron Festivities | June 23 | Big fire by neighbors. |
Water Festival | Patron Festivities | Second weekend of July | Reason for the arrival of water from the Canal de Isabel II in 1982 (concerts, heifers, dances, fireworks and popular foods) |
Cultural and Sports Week | Patron Festivities | Week before the festivities | |
“LAS TUNARIAS” | Business and Professional Groups | Folklore, folk songs and religious | |
Hunters Society Torres de la Alameda | Business and Professional Groups | Soledad street, 1 - Telephone: 619077386 | |
TORRESANDA | Business and Professional Groups | Hiking local, regional and national | |
Twinning Torres de la Alameda and Escalquens | Twinning of towns | Sun Square, 16 - Telephone: 655914382 | |
ASEMTA | Entrepreneurs Association | Atenas Street, 1, 21 local. Industrial Park - Telephone: 916754612 | |
ASOCIE | Entrepreneurs Association | ||
APAGTA | Farmers association |
La Soledad Virgin Hermitage | Church Medallion | Panorama | Church |
Church | The Church Tower | Torres de La Alameda | Torres de La Alameda |
Servicios Turísticos
Nombre | Clasificación | Descripción | Otras Observaciones |
Folletos turísticos | Publicaciones impresas | Poseen folleto turístico de la Comunidad de Madrid, un libro sobre la Sabana Santa |
Otros Servicios
Nombre | Clasificación | Descripción | Otras Observaciones |
Ayuntamiento de Torres de La Alameda | Centro Público | Plaza del Sol,16 - 28813 Torres de la Alameda | Teléfono: 918 868 250 Fax: 918 868 369 |
Loeches | Estación de servicio | Carretera Loeches a Alcalá de Henares, 35 Teléfono Loeches: 918851077 | |
Centro de Salud Área 3 | Atención primaria: centro de Salud | Plaza Juego de la Pelota, 6 - Teléfono:918868358 | |
Ambulancias | Ambulancias | Teléfono: 918800701 | |
Farmacia Marta Cisneros Manrique | Farmacia | Plaza del Sol, 25 | Teléfono: 918868289 |
Servicios Sociales | Servicios Sociales y Asistenciales | C/ Mayor, 50 | Teléfono: 918868259 |
Centro de Servicios Sociales de Atención Primaria | Servicios Sociales y Asistenciales | C/ Mayor, 42 - Teléfono: 918868259 | Mancomunidad de Servicios Sociales Pantueña |
Teleasistencia | Servicios Sociales y Asistenciales | Para personas con más de 65 años que poseen problemas de autonomía personal. Personas menores de 65 que padezcan enfermedades o minusvalía. Familias o núcleos convencionales en crisis temporal. | Mancomunidad de Pantueña - Calle Mayor, 42 - Mancomunidad: 918868259 |
Servicio de ayuda a domicilio | Servicios Sociales y Asistenciales | Para personas con más de 65 años que poseen problemas de autonomía personal. Personas menores de 65 que padezcan enfermedades o minusvalía. Familias o núcleos convencionales en crisis temporal. | Mancomunidad de Pantueña - Calle Mayor, 42 - Mancomunidad: 918868259 |
UNDIVEL NOS CAMELA | Asociación inmigrantes | Integración entre el pueblo gitano. Conocimiento y difusión de la cultura gitana | Mancomunidad de Servicios Sociales de Pantueña |
Rincón Joven | Centro municipal de juventud | Calle Mayor, 29 | Teléfono: 918858594 |
“La Alameda” | Residencia 3ª Edad | Calle Miguel de Unamuno, 35 - Teléfono: 918858868 | Centro de día, estancias temporales y respiro familiar. |
“SOR Rosario” | Centro residencial para mayores | Calle Palmeras, 3 - Teléfono: 918868608 | Centro residencial, alojamiento, centro de día. Ofrecen médico, enfermería, terapia ocupacional, fisioterapia, actividades varias. |
“Montealto” | Centro de mayores | Calle Viento, 17 - Teléfono: 918868286 | Para mayores con autonomía total, reducida o pensionistas. |
Centro cívico y biblioteca municipal | Centros Culturales y Bibliotecas | Calle Mayor, 12 - Teléfono: 918863041 | |
Pista Motocross | Centro deportivo e instalaciones privadas de acceso público | Centro deportivo privado de acceso público | |
Pabellón Polideportivo | Polideportivo | C/Palmeras,3 - Teléfono: 918868559 | Se desarrollan actividades como aerobic, futbol, gimnasia para mayores, baloncesto, karate, tenis, kajukembo, atletismo, gimnasia de mantenimiento y boxeo. |
TYBITA | Centro de formación | Teatro y baile independiente | Obras y representaciones de teatro. Actividades culturales. |
“Rampin Show” | Centro de ocio infantil | Calle Paraísos, 10 - Teléfono: 918308765 | Privado |
“SELVATORRES” | Centro de ocio infantil | Calle Arenal, 11 - Teléfono: 659393667 | |
Escuela Municipal de Música y Danza | Centro de formación | Calle Viento, 17 - Teléfono: 918863170 | |
Plaza del Sol, 16. Concejalía de educación | Actividades extraescolares | Plan local de mejora y extensión de los servicios educativos en centros docentes y Colonias de Verano - Teléfono:918868250 | Actividades extraescolares y de ocio en periodo vacacional (público) |
I.E.S. “Senda Galiana” | Instituto de enseñanza secundaria | Calle Palmeras, 10 - Teléfono: 918858820 | Actividades extraescolares, transporte escolar gratuito. |
“El Bosque Encantado” | Casa de niños | Plaza Morales, 6 - Teléfono: 918858489 | |
“ El Sastrecillo Valiente” | Educación Infantil (1º ciclo) | C/ Mayor, 71 - Teléfono: 9188689621 | Servicio de comedor |
Nuestra Señora del Rosario | Colegio Infantil y Primaria | C/ Escuelas, 8 - Teléfono: 918858494 | Servicio de comedor, actividades extraescolares, servicio de acogida (mañana y tarde). |
CEPA | Centro de Educación de personas adultas | Calle Amapolas, 6 - Teléfono: 918863017 | |
Dos de Mayo | Parque | Junto al cementerio | |
Olof Palme | Parque | ||
El Calvario | Parque | ||
Los Vallejos | Parque | Separa el casco urbano del polígono industrial | |
Los Olivos | Paseo | Paseo arbolado desde el casco urbano a parque Gregorio Ordoñez | |
Gregorio Ordoñez | Parque |
Transportes y Comunicaciones
Nombre | Clasificación | Descripción | Otras Observaciones |
Línea 261 | Autobús | Madrid (Av. América) - Villar del Olmo | Lunes a Viernes gran número de autobuses (de 06:30h. a 22:30h.) |
Sábados de 9:00h. a 22:00h. | |||
Domingos y Festivos a las 9:30h. a 21:30h. | |||
Nocturnos: 23:30h., 01:30h., 03:00h. | |||
Villar del Olmo - Madrid (Av. América) | Lunes a Viernes de 5:30h. a 20:30h. (Algunos de ellos salen de Urb. Monte Acevedo) | ||
Sábados de 7:00h. a 20:00h. | |||
Domingos y Festivos de 7:30h. a 19:30h. | |||
Nocturnos: Viernes 22:00h., 00:00h., 01:15h.; | |||
Sábados 22:00h., 00:00h., 01:15h.(Algunos de ellos salen de Urb. Monte Acebedo). | |||
Teléfono: 918712511 | |||
Línea 232 | Autobús | Alcalá de Henares - Torres de La Alameda | Lunes a Viernes: de 05:50h. a 22:50h. |
Sábados laborables: 07:00h. a 23:15h. | |||
Domingos y festivos: 09:00h. a 23:15h. | |||
Noches: viernes, sábados y vísperas de festivos: | |||
00:00h., 01:30h., 02:45h. | |||
Torres de La Alameda - Alcalá de Henares | Lunes a viernes: de 06:15h. a 23:15h. | ||
Sábados laborables: de 07:20h. a 22:50h. | |||
(Algunos de ellos salen desde Villalbilla) | |||
Domingos y Festivos: de 09:20h. a 22:50h. | |||
(Algunos de ellos salen desde Villalbilla) | |||
Noches: Viernes, sábados y víspera de festivos: | |||
00:20h., 01:50h. | |||
Teléfono: 918891605 | |||
Línea 320 | Autobús | Arganda del Rey - Alcalá de Henares | Lunes a Viernes: 06:15h, 07:15h., y de 10:30h. a 19:30h.(cada hora) |
Alcalá de Henares-Arganda del Rey | Lunes a Viernes Laborables 07:00h. a 20:30h. | ||
Da un servicio diario al centro penitenciario. | |||
Teléfono: 918712511 | |||
Línea 231 | Autobús | Alcalá de Henares - Urb. Zulema - El Viso | Lunes a Viernes laborables: 07:50h. a 22:25h. |
El Viso - Urb. Zulema - Alcalá de Henares | Lunes a Viernes laborables: de 06:30h. a 23:05h. | ||
Teléfono: 918891605 | |||
Punto de información | |||
Taxi Florentino Lucas | Taxi | Teléfono: 918858030 | |
TaxiTorres | Taxi | Teléfonos:609140451/609493937 | Servicio de taxi 24h |
CAPI | Centro de Acceso Público a Internet | Horario: lunes a jueves 18:00h. a 20:00h. - Paseo de los Pozo, S/N | |
Correos | Oficina Correos | Calle Mayor, 32 - Teléfono:918858498 | Horario:lunes a viernes de 08:30h. a 14:30h - Sábados: 09:30h. a 13:00h. |
Líneas de Transporte Intermunicipal | |